
 MANDATE 2020 – 2022


To function as a hub within ICOM, engaged in all matters pertaining to sustainability and climate change. To embrace the roll of adviser to ICOM, its committees, members and museums around the world, focusing on activating ICOM’s membership and developing sustainable policy based on community-rooted proposals.

To foster the development of research and strategies on museum sustainability and climate change thereby empowering the museum family, our visitors and our communities to help secure a sustainable future for all the inhabitants of the planet, human and non –human.


To assist ICOM in

  • Implementing the Resolution “On sustainability and the implementation of Agenda 2030, Transforming our World” adopted by the General Assembly at ICOM General Conference 2019 in Kyoto throughout ICOM, its Committees, Alliances, Affiliated Organisations and Secretariat.
  • Becoming carbon neutral by 2050.

To advise the Executive Board on sustainability issues concerning museums and cultural heritage at international, regional and local levels and contributing to the perspective of ICOM governance.

To activate and empower museums, their visitors and communities through making positive contributions to achieving the goals of Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; acknowledging and reducing our environmental impact, including our carbon footprint, and helping secure a sustainable future for all inhabitants of the planet: human and non-human.

To assist ICOM in implementing the recommendations in the WGS report through:

  • A short-term Sustainability Action Plan for ICOM for 2020 to 2022. 
  • A long-term Action plan for 2020-2030.

These two Action Plans will include:

  • A well-defined description of the tasks to be achieved as a program of work linked to the Sustainability Resolution and the SDGs.
  • Develop a clear definition of how museums can contribute to achieving such a task.  
  • Tasks/ steps that need to be carried out to reach the goal.
  •  People who will be in charge of carrying out each task.
  • When will these tasks be completed (deadlines and milestones).
  • Resources needed to complete the tasks.
  • Measures to evaluate progress. 

They will be aligned with the following strategic objectives:

  • To inspire ICOM, its committees and members through science based data and strategies to embrace the UN Sustainable development goals and promote good practices in becoming energy efficient, sustainable institutions.
  • By strengthening communication and cooperation between the different regions of the world, identify strengths and weaknesses around sustainable development strategies within the museum institution.
  • Encourage museums, as community spaces of dialogue and knowledge construction, to foster public engagement in care of people, society and planet through their operations and public programmes.